#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom tabulate import tabulateimport timeimport sysgoods = [["1","car",20000],["2","iphone",5000],["3","computer",3000],["4","watch",1000],["5","T-short",500],["6","shoes",200],["7","hamburg",50]]header = ["list","goods","price"]list = tabulate(goods,header,tablefmt="grid")print ""print "\033[32;1mWelcome to materials Supermarket,enjoy your self\033[0m"print ""while True: salary = raw_input("\033[33;1mPlease input your salary:\033[0m").strip() if not salary.isdigit():continue #if not salary:continue breakcount = 0form=[]while True: if int(salary) < 50: print "\033[31;1mYour salary not enough allow you consume,Say Good bay\033[0m" if form == []: print "\033[33;1myou get nothing\033[0m" sys.exit() else: print "\033[33;1mYour buy follows:\033[0m" print list3 print "\033[32;1mYou remain %s\033[0m" %salary sys.exit() print "\033[32;1mFollow is Our Supermarket support goods,please input quence number to select articles\033[0m" print list print "\033[34;1mYour Left is %s" %salary list2 = raw_input("\033[32;1mPlease input your choice list-id:").strip() if not list2.isdigit() or int(list2) < 0 or int(list2) > 7: print "\033[33;1myour input is not legal,please input again(1~7)\033[0m" continue price = goods[int(list2)-1][2] article = goods[int(list2)-1][1] if salary >= price: salary = int(salary) - int(price) count += 1 time2 = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) price = str(price) count = str(count) element = [count,time2,article,price] count = int(count) form.append(element) header2 = ["list","Time","Article","Price"] list3 = tabulate(form,header2,tablefmt="grid") print "\033[33;1mYou got This:%s" %article print list3 while True: A = raw_input("\033[32;1mWould you want to buy another articles(Y|N):\033[0m") if A == "Y" or A == "y": break elif A == "N" or A == "n": print "\033[33;1mSay good bey,thankYou,your buy article is follow list:\033[0m" print list3 print "\033[32;1mYou remain %s\033[0m" %salary sys.exit() else: print "You input is not incorrect" continue